Here's more from that magazine I made back in highschool, 'Pai Magazine'.
The first pic was the cover. The last photo is a page of some clothes I made from scratch. Both the Halter and the T-shirt, and also the skirt. The jeans were oversized acid washed jeans that I sewed up to fit, cut the waistline down(way down, that pic is from when brittany spears was cool. ha), and then I added a new waistline from different fabric. My mom took the photos of me wearing the stuff in our backyard and in my old room. Oh man.. I found all the different vintage fabrics for dirt cheap at the swap meet. Which would be Scotty's (my boyfriend at the time) and my ritual every single weekend. Swap meets and Izzy's bagels. 10 years later still cruisin' the swap every once in a while and eating Izzy's weekly. Some things never change. Only thing that's different now is that we're married with a 10 month old and 6 months knocked up with the second. OK.
Maybe things DOo change :/
Make sure to check back next week, for more from my old crap.